Thursday, September 27, 2007

New 1:1 in Wilson County, North Carolina

Congrats to Hunt High School and the press that just came out on their 1:1. story. Teachers sound pretty excited about using this mystery software:

“They can actually do assignments in class on the computer, and send it directly to my computer.

“It's going to make the class more interesting for the kids because they're going to be actively learning,” said Angie London, an English teacher.

Even with laptops at their fingertips, students can’t just randomly surf the internet or check email in the middle of class. Through a special program, teachers can keep a close eye on every computer screen.

“We have a program where we can look on our computers and see what's on all of their computers,” explained London. “We can look and say, ‘You’re supposed to be on this website, but you're checking your email.’ We can automatically lock their computers and send them a message, ‘Get back to work.’”

Ok, I give in: I am proud to say that they are using DyKnow software!

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